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Essay about Morality Theory Summary

Humans tend to ignore what is within their environs and how it might influence their lives. Some act out of ignorance while others are naive of how the things they interact with may impact their lives. This project is meant to evaluate the perception of humans on various aspects of life that they encounter on a day to day life. The survey instrument is all inclusive as it contains all the things that a typical human being interact with in a normal day. All persons are covered in the survey regardless of the gender, race, ethnicity or religion.

However, the extensive scale of evaluating the things that humans interact necessitates grouping of data for valid results and conclusions. Many are the time’s people overlook how they feel over their right environment but rarely consider how different factors influence their lives. This project explores how people can interpret various messages and impulses that are replicated within the body system when we interact with certain individuals or environs. The interaction between humans and the objects they interact with on a regular basis can be classified and categorized into prisms.

The data collected shows varying results on the same scale due to the difference in personality. Parents form a significant portion of our lives, and they top the list of the various prisms of analyzing the results of the survey. It is evident that a good share of individuals has a significant portion of selfconscious that convinces them that they guardians have an impact in their life (Elliott, 2015). However, very few refute this idea that parents have influence over the life of their kids.

Not everyone works but at least everyone has a religious stand which they rely on for spiritual advice and other issues that focus on the interpretation and consultation of theological information. Everyone has their perception of who is the supernatural being who controls the universe. However, the trend of well-distributed results for the religious prisms proves that religion is personal and most of the spiritual undertakings are out of the individual will. The dawn of new technology has necessitated humans to own the latest technological devices for purposes of communication.

Nowadays, cell phones have become necessities, in particular among the youth in the society. Instead, cell phones have turned to be important gadgets in our everyday lives. This explains why the prisms have two extremes with the majority being individuals who own a cell phone and uses it frequently. A mobile phone is therefore characterized by the incorporative and affiliate object base due to its frequent use. Recreation and entertainment stand out to be a crucial part of our everyday life where humans need some time and space to relax and have some time off (Smith, 2015).

Those people who live across the coastline will, therefore, be tempted to visit the beach and spend some time there. However, visiting the beach is not a necessity but a luxury that many believe it is an alternative and enhancement object in our lives. However, there is a significant share of the population that believes that visiting the beach defines who they are and they cannot live without the beach. This encompasses all individuals who depend on the beach for their survival.

The question of religion has been a query of discussion for a while now where humans are still straining to create a rift between being religious and being secular. Adopting a secular stand does not mean that one does not believe in the institution of faith, but it only denotes that the individual barely followed the religious doctrines outlined in the holy scriptures. According to the data of the survey, a fair share of the population has defined religious stands which are dictated by a supernatural creature. Only a few, 6 percent, who does not believe in religion and cannot decipher its influence in the lives of most people.

However, there is a small percentage of individuals who are still not sure when to have faith in the supernatural being and instead classify God under the hybrid objects which one needs once in a lifetime. This denotes secular prisms in the society. Religion is one approach of bringing and unifying nations together. Paul Froese (2015) argues that religion will unite individuals from all walks of life in the quest to search for truth, happiness, and success. According to the results of the survey, approximately 19. 84 % of the total target population believe that God is an affiliative object which one cannot live without.

This denotes the religious prisms in the society where a fair share of the total population follows a given spiritual and religious doctrine that dictates how one should live and coexist with other individuals in the community. Froese (2015) argues that there is a universal desire that urges all believers to retain their faith and pursue their religious ambitions as a grou than as an individual. This is what keeps religious groups and congregations intact, in that they work towards achieving a common goal which requires combined effort.

Change is almost inevitable in the contemporary times and humans will tend to tweak their way to fit in a dynamic world that is on the gradual transformation. There are those who are slow to transition, and they fall under the traditional prisms, and most of them are the irradical individuals who prefer living their personal life. An outgoing and social person will always be focused to stay up to date with the latest advancements in the field of technology. This explains why 38. 44% of individuals consider cell phones as incorporative and affiliative objects in their lives.

However, we cannot overlook that the idea of remaining trendy and fashionable is a matter of opinion but should instead focus on the ethical and moral doctrines that define our actions and decisions. Anderson argues that humans are solely responsible for determining what is morally and ethically right or wrong, but all this is subject to time and place. Time, on the other hand, dictates whether one exists on the traditional, modern or even post-modernism prisms. Some people have an easy time transitioning from one prism to another as the technology advances, and this is subject to whether the foundation of moral dentity change. Anderson argues that a shift in the foundations of morality will cause a similar shift in the foundations of identity. This is what dictates the best time to change from the modernism prism to the postmodernism prisms to fit within the given moral and ethical standards. Change cannot only be effective if humans are ready to leave culture wars behind and instead focus on how to achieve the goals at hand. The ability to define ethics and morality defines whether people are willing to transition from one stage of life to another.

Everyone is straining to match their identity and self-realization with the latest ongoing technological advancements. Going digital is a matter of individual opinion although it is dictated by some factors which are all subject to the ability to change and adapt to the modern world. Anthony Elliott (2015) argues that the recent global transformations in the field of e-commerce, the biotech industry, and the artificial intelligence sector are all subject to personal transformation. Change starts from within. and one must be ready to embrace any alterations or modifications that may result in change.

Nowadays, the problem of identity involves acknowledging the need to have a mutating identity that allows one to shift swiftly with time and match the latest global standards in the prism of digitalization and globalization. Humans must put into consideration the various aspects of their social, cultural and political lives to fit in the contemporary world that is the constant revolution. Elliott (2015), on the other hand, asserts that humans need to own and face their identity troubles before resulting to embrace changes in the social world.

However, this may extend to a point where one has to bypass and ignore their various aspects of the renown and natural realm of facts to focus on what is needed to initiate change. According to the survey, owning up things such as a TV, an automobile and an Apple watch are luxuries which fall under the category of secondary needs. However, to stay trendy and up to date, one may be forced to change their longheld perception about the idea of digitalization and globalization. Consequently, this requires an individual to adjust their personal desires to fit into the digital era.

The ability to progress and achieve personal growth and development depends on our past experiences and the lives of others (Smith, 2015). This calls for interaction with older folks in the society to gain insight of what is expected of us in this era. Additionally, it is also an opportunity to learn from their mistakes and avoiding to make the same mistakes. The results of the survey show that many individuals believe that parents play a crucial role in influencing their lives as they help them make critical and subjective decisions about life.

43. 3% of the target population believes that parents deserve to be affiliative objects in the society where our urge and zeal to perform better emanates from motivation from our seniors and also our peers. It only requires setting some time to listen to their encounters and learning from their past life experiences. They may have made mistakes, but it takes personal judgment to determine what to absorb from their past historical experiences. Only the positives should be applied to our lives in the modern times for purposes of flourishing while avoiding any instances that may cause selfdestruct.

The ability to differentiate what is right and wrong is pivotal in deciphering which routes to take and the ones to ignore in life. It only takes personal judgment and assistance from experienced individuals such as our parents or guardians to make decisions in life. However, humans must be cautious when making decisions because some decisions may alter and initiate permanent modifications in life which cannot be modified. Smith (2015) argues that humans should only emulate that which is morally and ethically right for the betterment of the society and self.

The bottom line is advocating for that which is right and of assistance to all individuals provided it places the life of succeeding generations at stake. A failure does not denote an end but instead signifies a new start for evaluating what went wrong and made necessary adjustments to avoid the same mistake next time. In conclusion, humans always desire to know the purpose of life, and it is through self-realization and actualization that one finds out their true identity. We live in a diverse and multiethnic society that requires one to decipher the impact of what is within their environs and how it may affect their lives.

However, the degree of impact may vary depending on how often we interact with various objects within our surroundings. Over time, humans have managed to learn from what is within their environment and have become equipped with the best approach to living in the contemporary world. It only takes the ability to be able to determine that unique identifier that is unique from others and utilize it to gain a competitive advantage over others (Froese, 2015). This is what self-discovery entails where one can realize their value and worth and how they might impact the life of other persons in the society.

One decision is capable of doing unimaginable damages in life, and it is, therefore, advisable to take time and consult before making any decision that might have a long-term impact on our lives and that of others in the society. References Elliott, A. (2015). Identity Troubles: An Introduction. Routledge. Froese, P. (2015). On purpose: How we create the meaning of life. Oxford University Press. Smith, C. (2015). To flourish or destruct: a personalist theory of human goods, motivations, failure, and evil. University of Chicago Press.

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