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Beowulf Letter Essay

My Dearest Cousin, I write to you now in great fear. Things that haunt my every waking moment, and fill every unconscienceness with trepidation. Such coil that hath wrapped around every man, woman, and child at King Hrothgars court, utter horror. It was only two nights ago that my comrades and I were having a fabulous feast in the Hart. The great Mead Hall of the ring-giver, King Hrothgar. Men stumbled about like mules, reeking of sweet mead. Having returned from a battle we filled our bellies with good food, and our hearts with the stories of the scop.

The harp singing along with his praise. It had been a successful attle, so we were high in spirits. As the hours drew unholy, we began to prepare ourselves for slumber. Every man full and content, found places to call their own. Little corners belonging to big men. We curled into our small dens, with our minds wandering. I found myself stumbling a bit trying, as I had a little to drink that night. I chose a place under one of the wooden benches in the corner, wrapping my blanket around me, I then lay my heavy head to the wooden floor.

Men all around me settled into their dreams, yet I had an uneasiness in my stomach. Something unholy filled the air with its wretched scent. Yet at the time, I believed it only to be the mead, settling down in my belly. I began to think of our victory, and the glory we had won for our great King. The treasures and glory surrounding our king and court would be forever infinite, so long as we warriors proved brave, and loyal. In these thoughts I found myself growing weary. And soon I fell into slumber, unaware of the horrors that would come.

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision blurred, and I rubbed them fiercely. Looking around the dark hall, I heard a small scratching. I began to look around at the other men, all sleeping, unaware of the sound. I raised my ead to see what creature made such a scuff. I looked through the shadows, to spy a dark, large creature raising its head to the sky. Within its clutches it held one of our own men! The man grappled against the demon, only to have his throat pierced, blood spewing down to the floor.

I gazed in horror upon the bloody site. I moved my body not, as such a motion may have caught the monsters attention. The demon ripped men away from their beds, tearing their throats one by one. The floor was soaked in warriors blood, I held my stomach as the rankness filled my lungs. The monster moved in and out of the Hart, ragging mens corpses with him. And even sometimes, those still alive writhed in pain as the creature clutched onto their skin, piercing it with its bloody claws.

My heart beat at a fierce rate, praying to God that I wouldnt be next to feel that strike of claws in my side. I closed my eyes tightly, remaining silent, waiting for death. Soon, the creature took up one last man into his clutches, dashing out of the hall, creeping into the night once again. The world-candle lit up the sky, and the light of the sun beamed into the hall. The other men awoke, three others knowing of the attack. The remainder of us, gaped t the sight of blood and gore before us. The looks upon these grown mens faces, would have twisted the very mountains!

To be unaware of a demon creeping about around their warm, blood filled bodies, and to not have been taken? The other three spectators and myself shared our visions of horror. We concluded that thirty of King Hrothgars men had been slain! We met with the King to discuss what measures would be taken to rid our land of this beast. Now, we can only hope that this will be possible, and that this creature, this evil demon craving mens blood, shall be destroyed. My cousin, pray for us, we are all in Gods hands now.

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