Home » Animal Farm written by George Orwell

Animal Farm written by George Orwell

Animal Farm was written by George Orwell and published in 1946. This story is about the Manor Farm in England, around the time of the Russian revolution. The animals on this farm started their own revolution because they were so irritated with the way they were being treated. At the beginning of the story, the Old Major calls a meeting in the barn and speaks about Rebellion and Animalism. Shortly after that the Old Major died’s and then the rebellion starts to take place. Mr. Jones is like a bad guy to the Animals. Napoleon to is also another major villain.

But after Jones is gone, all of his tools are burned, and now its time for the animals to take a look around the farmhouse. The name Manor Farm is changed to Animal Farm and the Seven Commandments are established. They then start to begin the hay harvest. During the hay harvest Boxer says, “I will work harder” as his personal motto. The harvest turned out to be a success. At this point the pigs are now beginning to abuse their power. Pretty soon the pigeons are sent to spread the word of the rebellion to other animals. And Mr. Jones tries to recapture the farm in the Battle of the Cowshed.

Mr. Jones was unable to defeat the animals, therefore the animals got a boost of confidence. Now at this point Mollie runs away and Snowball begins his plans for a windmill. When Snowball’s plans are finished, Napoleon’s dog’s start to chase him off the farm. The farm just lost the best leader they could have had. They loose their chance to give input on what direction the farm should go, and Napoleon begings blaming Snowball for all the things that he did not do.

Now Napoleon sets the animals to work on Sundays again and acquires Mr. Whymper as the farm’s broker. Napoleon starts to sell some of the farm’s produce. And the pigs start sleeping one hour later, and in beds. Then the windmill gets blown over and Snowball gets the blame. At this point the pigs still continue to abuse the power and stealing from the other animals. Napoleon stops making appearances to the other animals and makes a deal with Mr. Whymper to sell 400 eggs a week. Napoleon also gets some animals to confess of wrong doings and then “makes examples of them,” by killing them. The singing of Beast of England is abolished.

And everything bad the pigs have been doing continues and to a worse degree as the story goes on. The commandment about killing is changed and “without cause” is added to it, and the windmill is finished. Napoleon sells the pile to timber to Fredrick and later finds out it was counterfeit money. Fredrick then attacks the farmand blows up the windmill. And soon the pigs start up again by drinking alcohol and the commandments about acohol is changed to, “No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. ” The conditions on the farm continue the downward fall and the seven commandments and further change to suit the pigs wants.

The pigs are given the right of way and privilege to wear green ribbons on their tails on Sundays. Napoleon changes the deal with Whymper from 400 to 600 eggs a week and proclaims Animal farm a republic. Boxer gets hurt and can no longer work, very soon after he is sent to the knacker. The farm looses the best thing it had going for it and then thanks it by wending it to the kncaker. Then the pigs start wearing clothes another thing against the principles of animalism. The farm now is enlarged by two acres and the windmill is finished.

The pigs and sheep learn how to walk on two legs. And the seven commandments are reduced to one, which reads, “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others. ” The pigs take up all the habits of man, and change the name back to Manor Farm. The flag is changed to just the green banner. You can no longer tell the difference between pigs and man. After years and years, the windmill is finally finished. The pigs have come to resemble man and things are no different than in Jones’ day. They made a complete circle since the rebellion.

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