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Abortion Distortion

People who are for pro choice may say that all types of abortion is wrong because they believe that every fetus should have a chance at life. With that being said, people who believe In Pro Life should also put Into perspective. Would they want to live a life In which they had no cognitive, behavioral, or physical control. Personally I can say living a life where I had no capability of functioning without having to be dependent on others wouldn’t be a “walk in the park”.

Granted that, Rebecca Array’s tutus had a heart defect and two areas of her brain missing, I agree with Rebecca choice of not letting her fetus live a miserable life. While I stand by Rebecca choice of not letting her fetus live a miserable life, there are people that would like to think that her decision is immoral. The people that stand by this are pro life members. The pro life members believe that the fetus is a human being from conception and that means that the author Rebecca Array Is murdering her child. Technically this would not be a murder because the fetus Is not human being yet; It cannot live outside the uterus on Its own.

In addition to the argument of murdering the fetus, pro life members will also say, all babies are special; a baby could have been a political figure or another Important person. But I’m here to say that it would have been impossible for miss Arrays baby to live on a life with such great achievements without a fully functional brain to help her. In addition to Rebecca Arrays moral value, we also need to take into consideration of Rebecca rights as a woman. Given that the fetus exists inside a women’s body ND a women has rights to decide what she can and can’t do with their body.

I see nothing wrong about Rebecca choice. What is more, the right to abortion is vital for gender equality. All in All, people need to put Into focus that Rebecca Array Is a human being and not Just a container for the fetus. We should therefore give great consideration to her rights and needs. Another focus we need to put into perspective in Rebecca Arrays case is what kind of life her fetus would have led on if the fetus was born. As was mentioned in the article, the baby had a heart defect, two areas of her brain missing, as well as acute limbs.

This would mean that as baby began to grow up, she would be restrained from many cherish able child hood memories- playing hide-n-seek, playing tag, climbing trees, ghost stories, and more-those experiences are very important in the development of a child. What is more, the baby would be very likely to countless number of hospital trips and even a possible early death due to all the child’s health defects. Not only would the life of the child be affected by all of defects but her arenas would be affected both financially and emotionally.

All In all, Rebecca was Just looking out for the fetus life as well as her own. To conclude, Mrs.. Arrays decision was not a choice of regret. Mrs.. Arrays choice is Unlike other cases for abortion, Rebecca choice was not caused by irresponsibility: she wanted to have a baby. Unfortunately due to the fact that Rebecca fetus had many health defects, she opted for ‘ innovation. Finally, a question we need to ask ourselves is would we want to be criticized as a person for making choices that we believe will benefit our lives.

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