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1984 War Is Peace Analysis Essay

War is Peace is an interesting concept to think about. This concept would have the reader believe that a continuous war, as is happening in the novel, would not only maintain peace, but if the war is continuous, then the people know nothing of peace, and therefore, the war is likened to peace. In Oceania, the people cannot exist without a war, because the war gives the people something to bond together to fight against. Additionally, if the idea of doublethink is applied to the situation, the citizens accept both ideas that, Oceania is a war, and Oceania is at peace.

The people can switch back and forth from both ideals, which would cause a dramatic shift in emotion, causing the surrender of the very emotions of the people to the Party. 5b. Freedom is slavery can easily be explained as a discouragement for anyone seeking freedom. If a human were taught from grade school that to be free is to be a slave, the child would never seek freedom because he or she does not want to be a slave.

This is another example of doublethink in 1984, because the meaning of the word freedom is the exact opposite of the word slavery, but the citizens of Oceania can understand that freedom is the same as slavery if they employ the principles of doublethink. This is just another way for the Party to control its subjects without it being a hands on process. Oceanian citizens will not seek their freedom if they think that it will bring slavery. 5c. Ignorance is strength is another discouragement from the pursuit of new information.

The Party would rather keep its people ignorant to everything that is not within their realm of Airstrip One, for if the people became self-aware, as Winston did, they start to seek information about the past and become discontented with the Party. The slogan is a way for the Party to tell people that strength comes with Party propaganda, the Party wants its citizens to believe what they say and never question its validity. 6. Tragedy is impossible in 1984 because in order to have a tragedy, a person needs to have human emotions and empathy.

This is impossible in Oceania because the Party has stripped the people of their humanity. Tragedy requires deep emotion or love, but that is not possible in this society because it simply does not exist anymore. The Party has stripped all people of those emotions through the dehumanizing processes of doublethink, giving people meaningless jobs, and keeping them extremely busy, from an impossible workday to community functions after that, there is not much time to develop the deeper feelings. 7a. My sanctuary would be the office space in my house. In this room, I have the family computer where! ave spent quite a bit of my time recently writing these essays, but when I am in the office, I can shut the door and be alone.

Most of the time, the sounds that fill the room are show tunes, songs from Book of Mormon, Catch Me if You Can, and other similar shows, are always playing if I am doing my homework or just surfing the internet. This room is special to me because it is somewhere I can go to shut out some stress that I am feeling, and figure out what my next step is. Often times, I go to this room to relax from the day that I had. My office is similar to Winston’s room because Winston goes to the room above Mr.

Charrington’s shop to be with Julia and forget the world around them. It is there that they can forget about the Party and their imminent death; I can go into my office to forget about the parts of my life that stress me out and read social media, or do some college research. Zb. My worst fear would have to be dying alone. The thought that I could pass on to whatever comes next, and be completely alone, perhaps my husband is dead, my parents are gone, children estranged, whatever it is, to be absolutely alone, to know that there is no one left in the world that cares what happens to me.

That thought scares me more than I can imagine; if I put myself in Winston’s position I can understand why he would do whatever it took to keep the fear at bay. I am not afraid to die, I am afraid of being all alone when it matters the most. 7c. I do not believe that war is a necessary evil. Some might say that war provides a common enemy, which causes a society to come together to fight against this unknown evil. I would argue that there are other ways of binding a society together, ways that do not include killing thousands upon thousands of people.

However, I am not naive enough to believe that the world can be eradicated of war, human nature prevents this, but this is not about this. I believe that there are other ways to join a society together, such as religion, or basic survival. Ancient humans survived in societies that did not engage in wars with other humans for the longest of times; therefore, it is not necessary. If it were necessary, war would exist from the beginning of time, and it does not. 8. One of the most important, and most mentioned, symbols in 1984 is Big Brother himself.

For the most part, Big Brother is a symbol of the Party, in its public manifestation. Big Brother is the reason for the Party, he is like the king, or president, except for the small issue that the existence of a king or president can be proved and the existence of Big Brother cannot. One one hand, Big Brother is suggested to be a reassurance to the people, as his name suggests a family member, a benevolent,warm source of love, yet he is also an open threat, one cannot escape him.

Big Brother is also a symbol of how little the people actually know about the Party, they do not know how the Party is run, who is in charge of it, or how those officials live. Going back to the fact that the existence of Big Brother cannot be proven, evidence for this is apparent when Winston thinks that Big Brother emerged in the 1960’s, but Party records date his influence back to the 1930’s; O’Brien also makes a comment about Big Brother never dying. An actual human being will die. Eventually, if Big Brother never dies, the existence of the “man upstairs,” begins to be doubted.

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